Tax and Audit Services

Tax and Audit

The Handley Accounting Adelaide and Port Adelaide compliance services cover all the things that are absolutely ESSENTIAL from your accountant: year-end accounts, corporation tax return, payroll, annual return and personal tax return. Where we are different to the majority of firms is that before your year-end has happened we will be on the phone to you, getting an understanding of where you are and then completing the accounts as soon after the year end as possible.
audit and tax

The reason for this?

We want you to be able to plan the payment months in advance. The quicker we complete the year end accounts, the sooner you know what your tax bill is.
We’re the same with personal tax returns.
When Handley Accounting began, we had numerous clients handing in their records in the month of October. The positive was that we always finished the tax return on time, the negative was that often our clients had a tax bill and had days to pay it.
So if you are after a passive accountant who will let you go and not hold you accountable for obtaining your information – Handley Accounting is not for you! If you are after an accountant who will take the lead on deadlines ensuring you know what your required to pay – we are for you.
Please select one of the services from the list below or contact Handley Accounting Services Adelaide and Port Adelaide to find out how we can help you.


At Handley Accounting Services we view audits not as an overhead or necessary evil, but as a great opportunity to review your business. Our audit team will work closely with you to get to know your business. We use the latest computerised systems, based around a detailed analytical review of the accounts. This enables us to offer an objective view of your business so we can advise you of any potential problem areas.

GST Management

The GST system is a complex and confusing one. Consequently Handley Accounting Services ensures our team remains up to date with any changes, enabling us to offer you accurate advice. Every transaction now has an associated GST issue. We are experienced in these issues and can offer expert advice on the GST implications for your business. The GST-related services we offer include, but are not limited to:


At Handley Accounting Services we offer a full range of taxation services. Our taxation consulting division is nationally recognised and we offer advice based on proven knowledge and experience. Our proactive approach ensures we deliver consistent service and build solid relationships that stand the test of time. Taxation can be a major cost to your business. We will work with you to minimise your tax and help you achieve your key objectives. We provide a complete service of assistance and advice in each of these areas: